We created the Exploring Ocean Mysteries: From Dynamic Shores to the Deep Sea curriculum in collaboration with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, National Geographic Society, and other partners. It...
Rick Reynolds has been collaborating with Shape of Life on new lesson plans with supporting resources. Founded by Nancy Burnett, who also co-founded the incomparable Monterey Bay Aquarium, Shape of Life offers phenomena-based videos that help engage students in...
Rick Reynolds has been collaborating with the Bay Area Environmental STEM Institute (BAESI) and other partners on new lesson plans with supporting resources that integrate climate science with other science standards. Supported by a grant from the National Science...
We have been collaborating with NOAA Ocean Exploration, the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, Ocean Exploration Trust, and Schmidt Ocean Institute on exciting new educational resources. Lesson plans, fact sheets, and other resources about bioluminescence are...
We created The Northwest Fur Trade: Cultures, Commerce, and Trade curriculum in collaboration with the National Park Service, the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Washington State University Vancouver, Friends of Spokane House, and other partners....
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